The Edith Cavell Story

At the premiere on October 30th, The Cool Web : A Robert Graves Oratorio will be preceded by The Edith Cavell Story, a reading in celebration of the life of Edith Cavell, the WW1 British nurse who cared for soldiers from both sides without distinction and helped save the lives of 200 allied soldiers, an act for which she was executed.
The Readers:
Sophie Ward is an English actress and the daughter of actor Simon Ward. Sophie has appeared in numerous films and stage plays ranging from Young Sherlock Holmes to Book of Blood, and in many TV series, notably Heartbeat and Holby City.
Leonard Pearcey is a well known voice as a writer, broadcaster, producer and presenter. He has written the Edith Cavell Story based upon the brilliant biography by Diana Souhami.
Cavell Nurses’ Trust provides vital support to all UK nurses during very difficult times. They offer help to registered nurses, midwives, healthcare assistants,student nurses and retired nurses who have given a lifetime of caring and compassion.
Cavell Nurses’ Trust, formerly known as NurseAid, was originally set up in 1917 following the public outcry that followed the death of Edith Cavell. Many members of the public sent donations in memory of Edith and these formed a source of funds they still use to help nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants in their time of need.